Where are all the jobs?

So, you are on the search for a new role.  Maybe you have been made redundant? Ended a contract? Come back from overseas? Maybe you are fed up where you are?  Need a new challenge? Want to return to the workforce after having kids?  Where do you go? 

Many people in this position head straight to SEEK.com.  And why wouldn’t you?  Plenty of jobs, easy search engine and sends the suitable roles straight to your inbox. And it should definitely form part of your job search strategy.  But what you may not be aware of is that many jobs are vacated, created and filled every day without ever being posted on SEEK.  Time to open your eyes and look outside the search box to ensure you are accessing all the possibilities. 

First things first…

Initially it’s a good idea to get yourself registered on the big general job boards like SEEK.com, TradeMe jobs and Indeed. Make yourself familiar with the classifications and categories and set up some searches which will deliver relevant jobs to your mailbox daily.  Make sure to explore all the different areas of the site and look into each category as you never know where your sort of role might be hiding.  For example, if you are looking for administration roles, use the administration category but also look at other categories such as charity, real estate, marketing etc as you will find that they may have subcategories relating to administration roles in those industries or sectors.  Keep your options broad re salary and types of roles to ensure you see the most opportunities and check out new options to view work from home and flexible roles which might offer different avenues to you for employment.

Now let’s get a bit more specific…

Once you have yourself established on these general job boards, you can then widen your net to include any job boards specific to you or the type of role or industry you are interested in.  There are so many different job boards available today which will narrow down the opportunities to those relevant to you.  From a sector perspective you can try a Government jobs board such as www.jobs.govt.nz, or search on job boards focussing on the industry you want to work in, such as Crewlist for arts and media and Potentia for jobs in IT.  You can also find job boards for where you are in your career, i.e. Grad New Zealand for internships and graduate roles, Wise Ones for mature workers and Needed for freelancers.  There are specialist sites for workers with disabilities, migrants, Maori and pacific islanders and the list goes on.  Most of these sites will also have tips specific to the area you are looking for employment in that will be more relevant to you than those on the more general jobs sites.  Facebook groups on specific areas, industries or sectors might also provide a different range of opportunities – search for relevant ones to your job search. 

Its not what you know….

The old adage is never more true, people you know can be more valuable than anything else when it comes to looking for a job.  Try to stay connected with current and past career contacts, keep them up to date with where you are and notify them when you are seeking new opportunities.  Use tools such as LinkedIn to profile your career and keep in touch with what is available and when you do move into job seeker mode, connect with your contacts here to find out about roles in their organisations or that they may know of.  The job search section of LinkedIn is also a great way to find out about opportunities and applying directly through the site is fairly easy.   Don’t forget your other networks as well when looking for a job – your friends, family, sporting clubs etc – spread the word about what you are looking for and you may be surprised to discover what opportunities can appear.

Get the experts working for you…

Another great place to look is on the websites of recruiters which will often have their own job search facility or general invitations for candidates.  Focus on recruiters that are either local to where you are searching or who have a national reach.  Recruiters also specialise in industries or sectors so do some research into which will be most suited to your job search.  Applying for a role through an agency will get you listed on their books and they may then put you forward for opportunities they have available.  Where possible, get to know the recruiter and stay in touch so you are front of mind should they have a suitable role.  Industry associations and peak bodies can also be helpful.  They may have job boards themselves or networks where you can get yourself in front of employers in your industry.  While they may have membership or subscription fees for access to their sites or publications, a one-off outlay may be worth it if it gives you a wider pool of job opportunities. 

Target your preferred employer…

Another great hunting ground for roles, is the career section on company websites.  Target the organisations you are interested in working for or who employ people in your area or specialisation.  Often, they will have an opportunity to sign up for notification when relevant roles become available.  If you are feeling really proactive, research who is involved with recruiting for the organisation and make contact letting them know that you are interested and providing your CV or other details.  Be assertive but not too pushy as you want them to remember you in a positive light.  LinkedIn can be a great opportunity for this type of approach, particularly if you are connected with people within the organisation already.

You never know where an opportunity might appear…                                                                                                                                       

Keep your eyes peeled for the less obvious sources of vacancies.  Don’t forget to check out notice boards at your local community centre or supermarket.  Check out job vacancies in relevant industry publications or local newspapers.  Join an online noticeboard such as Neighbourly and let people in your area know what you have to offer. 

It won’t happen overnight…

Try not to get discouraged if your search does not immediately lead to success.  Remember each day new jobs and opportunities become available.  Even if your search has not uncovered the right role for you today, tomorrow is another day and it is important to stay positive and persevere. 

bestfit HR Careers offers services to support your career and enhance your job search. For assistance with your CV, applications or interviews contact Anne-Marie on 022 428 1571 or email bestfithrnz@gmail.com for a free initial consultation and more information on services available.