The story of your life

Your life is made up of a series of stories - how you grew up, how you fell into (and out of) love, stories to tell the grandkids. One of the most important stories of your life is your career story. Important because, if you get it wrong it can affect all the other stories and how you enjoy your life. The saying ‘love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life’ is true. But so is the opposite. If you don’t enjoy what you do for a job, it will feel like work. And very hard work at that.

Write your own story and choose your own adventure

Plan your career using journalling techniques and capture the moments of your working life which demonstrate learning, growth, achievement and change. As you build your career story, you can gain insight into what your career looks like now and, more importantly, where you are headed.

A career journal approach will ensure you have all the information you need for:

  • performance review discussions

  • applying for a promotion

  • thinking about a new career

  • looking for a new job

  • preparing for an interview

  • any other change or review of your current working situation.

So, what are you waiting for?

Contact bestfitHR and book a free, confidential initial consultation and get your career on the right track.

Call Anne-Marie on 022 428 1571 or email


CV revamp for $120 including consultation, updated CV (multiple versions if required) and tips and tricks for cover letters and applications.

CV development $150-$250

General career consultation $60 per hour